New Age Micro provides a host of simulation services that enable our clients and partners to get their products to market quickly, cost effectively, and with the confidence that their product design has been thoroughly tested and is ready for production. New Age Micro’s simulation services allow customers to simulate multiple iterations of their design, providing the opportunity to view numerous what-if scenarios while reducing the need for physical prototypes. The end result is a saving in time and cost while greatly reducing technical risk.
New Age Micro’s simulation services include simulation of circuit design, PCB layout, heat-flow, and more. Our simulation services offerings include:

HyperLynx SI
HyperLynx® is a suite of design analysis and verification software in the PCB design flow. HyperLynx® equips our hardware design engineers and PCB designers to efficiently analyze, identify, resolve, and verify critical design issues, which prevents costly re-spins, reduces design cycle times, and improves product reliability. We achieve greater innovation, faster time-to-market, and decreased costs with HyperLynx®.
New Age Micro uses HyperLynx® SI to analyze signal integrity issues early in the design cycle and perform protocol compliance verification. Major benefits provided by HyperLynx® SI include:
- Accurate modeling of trace impedance, coupling, and frequency-dependent losses
- Include effects of plane voids, area fills, and 3D areas
- Sweep different values for discretes, trace geometries and lengths, and driver settings
- Integrated timing analysis for DDRx, and LPDDRx
- Industry-leading SERDES support including fast eye diagram analysis, S-parameter simulation, and BER prediction
- Advanced, exploratory via modeling
- Integrated full-wave 3D electromagnetic field solver
- Works with all major PCB layout and routing applications
HyperLynx PI
Power integrity (PI) analysis is an essential part of modern electronic design. The ever-increasing number of voltages being used by ICs, in addition to dramatic increases in power consumption, make proper power delivery an exceedingly difficult task. Compounding these issues are reduced layer counts, smaller noise margins, and increasing operating frequencies. With inadequate power delivery, designs exhibit signal integrity errors, which cause the logic on the board to fail.
Our engineers use HyperLynx® PI to get simulation results quickly. We identify power distribution problems early in the design, even prior to layout. We also identify problems with your design that are difficult to identify in the lab, and investigate solutions in an easy-to-use “what-if” environment. Once the layout is complete, we can validate the results to ensure that appropriate guidelines were followed. This will ultimately help you reduce prototype spins and get to market faster, while creating a more reliable product. HyperLynx® PI provides the following benefits:
- Analyze voltage drop of power supply rails due to copper losses
- Identify areas of excessive current density in layout
- Predict temperature rise with PI/Thermal co-simulation
- Analyze power distribution impedance at multiple locations on PCBs
- Explore different stack-ups, capacitor selections, placements, mounting schemes
- Simulate propagation of noise throughout the planes from IC supply pins and signal vias
- Extract models of the power distribution network
- Create accurate via models which include effects of all bypassing and plane resonances
- Works with all major PCB layout and routing applications
The platform also supports LiveLink™ interfacing software to connect with the following products. See the COMSOL website for a complete list of supported products.
- Simulink®
- Excel®
- AutCAD®
New Age Micro uses COMSOL Multiphysics® Software for modeling designs, devices, and processes. This allows us to quickly prove concepts, highlight critical design details, and provide feedback to your engineers, resulting in shortened design cycles.
COMSOL Multiphysics® is a simulation platform that encompasses all of the steps in the modeling workflow — from defining geometries, material properties, and the physics that describe specific phenomena to solving and postprocessing models for producing accurate and trustworthy results.
NAM utilizes the COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation platform’s add-on modules to simulate solutions for disciplines that include:
- electromagnetics
- fluid flow and heat transfer
- structural mechanics and acoustics
- chemical engineering
- multipurpose modules that include simulation of materials, particle tracing, and more.
CircuitWorks enables NAM to seamlessly model PCBs in SOLIDWORKS to ensure the design’s form and fit in your package.
A bi-directional IDF file interface lets our mechanical engineers import 3D PCB files. These files can be checked for interferences. Any required changes can be exported to the PCB designer.
New Age Micro uses the ModelSim HDL simulator for ASIC and FPGA simulation and verification. ModelSim provides support for Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, and SystemC. NAM has used ModelSim to verify ASICs and FPGAs for our customers for over 15 years. This includes both RTL and gate level simulation. We have used it for ASIC and FPGA verification. In conjunction with testbenches, our engineers can simulate and verify your ASIC or FPGA design.
New Age Micro uses VectorCAST/C++, an integrated software test framework, to significantly reduce the time, effort, and cost associated with testing C and C++ software components necessary for validating safety and mission-critical embedded systems. VectorCAST/C++ helps NAM efficiently create unit tests and integration tests for C and C++ code to ensure it works properly prior to release in less time and at a lower cost.
NAM uses the VectorCAST/C++ integrated code coverage utility to gauge the effectiveness of our component testing by reporting on source code statements or decision points exercised during individual or multiple test runs.
VectorCAST allows NAM to instrument software components and create automated test harnesses to exercise the code. Its integrated code coverage allows us to verify that all decision points are exercised and that the code is truly fully tested.